The Bay of Quinte region is home to a large and diverse cluster of manufacturing. Products manufactured here include food & beverage, consumer goods, auto parts, and even dinosaur museum displays. By purchasing locally manufactured products in stores you support your friends, family and neighbours working in these facilities and contribute to the success of our local economy.
What is the QEDC?
The Quinte Economic Development Commission (QEDC), an incorporated not-for-profit corporation, is a regional economic development organization. We are dedicated to the promotion of economic growth in its member municipalities; the City of Belleville, the Municipality of Brighton and the City of Quinte West.
Our mission is two-fold:
- To encourage the growth and diversification of those specific industry sectors and businesses now established in the area; and
- To market the Bay of Quinte Region in order to attract new sector- targeted firms to locate in the community
QEDC has a dedicated regional focus on the industrial and technology sectors due to the strong value added and wealth creating benefits from these sectors and the positive impact the retention, expansion and new investment in these sectors creates across other areas of the economy including, retail, service sector, construction, transportation etc.
QEDC supports the manufacturing sector in a variety of ways including the establishment and delivery of the Manufacturing Resource Centre (MRC) and providing administration for the Quinte Manufacturers Association (QMA). The QMA is an industry lead organization that facilitates manufacturers with networking, communication, sharing of ideas and best practices.
Why choose Bay of Quinte?
Located along the north shore of Lake Ontario, the Bay of Quinte is comprised of 3 main communities; The City of Belleville, The City of Quinte West & The Municipality of Brighton. The Bay of Quinte’s location along Highway 401, it’s strong workforce and lower startup & operation costs have made it a hub for food processing, advanced manufactguring & logistics.
More than 50% of our regions $13.5 billion annual economic output is generated by manufacturing
Manufacturing in the Bay of Quinte produces more than $500M in local annual payroll.
More than 11,000 people work locally in manufacturing and related sectors.
Average local salary in manufacturing is more than $52,000 per year.